Friday, January 9, 2009


Bulverism is a very fitting piece for me.

I grew up with the same friends my whole life. We all started at a Christian elementary school with a Christian family and a Church-going Sunday. But it didn't always work this way. As we grew older we began to take on different perspectives until eventually we were a group of Christians, agnostics, and atheists. We often find ourselves engaging in friendly conversations and debates about each other's views and always seem to rest on the conclusion that neither one is more correct then the other and we'll never be able to change the other's mind.

C.S. Lewis, to me, is at the forefront of the struggle between Christianity and Agnosticism. He is the best persuader of those who half believe. He can make just as much sense as someone who is completely against Christianity. But I also believe him to be at the forefront on the defense against Atheism. I say defense because Atheist are not dumb, but often stubborn against Christianity. The friends of mine that are more agnostic are not opposed to the idea of Christianity, but are just unsure of what is true. Those of my friends that are atheist think of it more as a fairy tale - the result of generations of people being frightened of death.

But this is where Bulverism takes a step in. My friends believe that Christianity is a result of our fear of death. They're proclaiming that Christianity did not come about by reason but is caused by our fear. And of course, those of us that are Christian give our reasons to believe as well as why they are caused not to believe. We circle and circle with causes but hardly any reasons. "You just won't humble yourself to the idea of God beCAUSE it offends your current lifestyle." or "Christians believe in God beCAUSE they need a reason to submit and try to give meaning to life."

Of course, again, Bulverism is not an answer to the battle against offending perspectives, but certainly is serves as a guideline.

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